Past Projects
Pretrial Risk Assessment
With funding from the John D. And Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, we are collaborating with researchers at Policy Research Associates and the University of Massachusetts to conduct a mixed-methods multiphase study investigating how pretrial risk assessment instruments can be used to inform less carceral pretrial decisions. We will assess defendants’ perceptions of their criminogenic risks, needs, and protective factors in risk assessment and pretrial decisions.
Reducing Revocations Challenge
With funding from Arnold Ventures, we are collaborated with researchers at Indiana University and IUPUI to evaluate and implement strategies to address drivers of probation revocations in Monroe County, Indiana.
Fairfax County Jail-Based MAT
With funding from the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office and the Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), we evaluated a jail-based medication assisted treatment (MAT) program that has been in operation in the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center since 2020. The evaluation focused on whether provision of jail-based MAT has reduced rates of fatal drug overdose in the jail population.
Indiana Recovery Works
With funding from the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA), we are collaborated with researchers at Wayne State University and the University of Indianapolis to evaluate Indiana’s Recovery Works program. Recovery Works is a State-funded program that provides vouchers for community-based behavioral health services to individuals with a felony-level charge. Since its inception in 2015, Recovery Works has provided treatment and recovery services to over 50,000 justice-involved individuals with behavioral health needs.
Indiana Pretrial Pilot Project
With funding from the Indiana Office of Court Services and the National Institute of Justice (2018-R2-CX-0023), our research group was involved in evaluating Indiana’s implementation of the Indiana Risk Assessment System – Pretrial Assessment Tool (IRAS-PAT) across 11 pilot counties. Sub-studies included validating IRAS-PAT assessments in practice, evaluating the effectiveness of risk assessment-informed pretrial release, and examining the effectiveness of risk assessment-informed pretrial supervision strategies.
Co-Response Teams
With funding from Arnold Ventures, we are collaborating with researchers at Wayne State University and IUPUI to conduct one of the first randomized controlled trials of a police-mental health clinician co-responding team that provides first response to behavioral health calls for service.