*Indicates co-authors who are current or former undergraduate or graduate mentees.
Under Review
*Carlisle, H. & Lowder, E. M. (under review). Carceral and post-carceral suicide risk through a socioecological model.
*Foudray, C.M.A. Lowder, E. M., & Wilson, D. (under review). Effectiveness of drug testing requirements on pretrial supervision outcomes.
*Ingel, S., Lowder, E.M., Frye, P., & Lawson, S.G. (under review). A systematic review of needs from the Risk-Needs-Responsivity model during the pretrial period.
Lowder, E. M., Lawson, S. G., Ruhland, E., *Rodriguez, A., Frye, P., & *McPherson, M. (under review). Development and validation of a tool to measure relative disadvantage and disproportionate risk of criminal-legal system involvement.
*Knes, A. S., Lowder, E. M., *Thai, M. L., Reuter, S., Kent, A. (under review). Multi-study examination of criminal-legal professionals’ use of risk assessments in pretrial decision making.
*Rodriguez, A. E., Lowder, E. M., Frye, P. (under review). Risk Perception and Risk Communication: Multi-Actor Perspectives on Pretrial Decision-Making.
Hofer, M. S., Lu, T., Bailey, K., Aldridge, A., Grommon, E., Lowder, E. M., & Ray, B. (revise & resubmit). An economic evaluation of a police–mental health co-response program: Data from a pragmatic randomized controlled trial.
*Foudray, C. M. A., & Lowder, E. M. (2024). Judicial decision-making in the era of pretrial reform. Psychology, Crime & Law, 0(0), 1–28. ​
Desmarais, S. L., Morrissey, B., Lowder, E. M., & Zottola, S. A. (2024). Patterns of selfreported mental health symptoms and treatment among people booked into a large metropolitan county jail. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.
*Diaz, C. L., Lowder, E. M., Northcutt Bohmert, M., Ying, M., & Hatfield, T. (2024). A retrospective study of the role of probation revocation in future criminal justice involvement. Journal of Criminal Justice, 93, 102225.
Lawson, S. G., *Foudray, C. M. A., Lowder, E. M., Ray. B, & Carey, K. L. (2024). The role of co-occurring disorders in criminal recidivism and psychiatric recovery among justice-involved adults with opioid use disorder: A statewide retrospective cohort study. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment.
Lowder, E. M., Grommon, E., Bailey, K., & Ray, B. (2024). Police-mental health co-response versus police-as-usual response to behavioral health emergencies: A pragmatic randomized effectiveness trial. Social Science & Medicine, 345, 116723.
Lowder, E. M., *Kamara, Z. B., & *Kent, A. (2023). Pretrial decision-making matrices: The role of risk and charge weighting in risk assessment–guided decisions. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Lowder, E. M., Northcutt Bohmert, M., *Diaz, C. L., Ying, M., Grommon, E., & Hatfield, T. (2022). Patterns of compliance and noncompliance during probation: Identifying pathways to probation revocation. Crime & Delinquency.
Lowder, E. M., *Zhou, W., Peppard, L., Bates, R., & Carr, T. (2022). Supply-side predictors of fatal drug overdose in the Washington/Baltimore HIDTA region: 2016–2020. International Journal of Drug Policy, 110, 103902.
*Diaz, C. L., Rising, S., Grommon, E., Northcutt Bohmert, M., & Lowder, E. M. (2022). A rapid review of literature on factors associated with adult probation revocations. Corrections, 0(0), 1–28.
*Lawson, S. G., & Lowder, E. M. (2022). Differential prediction by race in IRAS-PAT assessments: An application of debiasing strategies. Justice Quarterly, 0(0), 1–27.
*Lawson, S. G., Lowder, E. M., & Ray, B. (2022). Correlates of suicide risk among Black and White adults with behavioral health disorders in criminal-legal systems. BMC Psychiatry, 22(1), 163.
*Foudray, C. M. A., *Lawson, S. G., & Lowder, E. M. (2022). Jail-based court notifications to improve appearance rates following early pretrial release. American Journal of Criminal Justice.
Lowder, E. M. *Foudray, C. M. A., & *McPherson, M. (2022). Proxy assessments and early pretrial release: Effects on criminal case and recidivism outcomes. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
Lowder, E. M., *Diaz, C. L, Grommon, E., & Ray, B. R. (2022). Differential prediction and disparate impact of pretrial risk assessments in practice: A multi-site evaluation. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 10.1007/s11292-021-09492-9
Lowder, E. M., & Wilson, D. (2021). Pretrial risk assessment validation research: Range restriction and attenuation of predictive validity estimates. Law and Human Behavior. 45(4), 324–335.
Lowder, E. M., & *Foudray, C. M. A. (2021). Use of risk assessments in pretrial supervision decision-making and associated outcomes. Crime & Delinquency.
Lowder, E. M., *Diaz, C. L., Grommon, E., and Ray, B. R. (2021). Effects of pretrial risk assessments on release decisions and misconduct outcomes relative to practice as usual. Journal of Criminal Justice, 73, 101754,​
Lowder, E. M., *Lawson, S. G., Grommon, E., and Ray, B. R. (2020). Local validation of the Indiana Risk Assessment System – Pretrial Assessment Tool (IRAS-PAT) in five counties. Justice Quarterly. ​
To see publications prior to 2020, please contact Dr. Lowder.