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Lab Member Mindy Thai recognized as an Outstanding Graduate Student (Winter 2024)


This semester, Mindy Thai was recognized for her outstanding work as a graduate student. In addition to completing her master's thesis in Fall 2024, Mindy has submitted papers for peer-reviewed publication and presented her work at professional conferences.

Mindy is also an active member of the department community. She currently serves as the Student Advocate on the Criminology, Law and Society Student Association, sending out monthly graduate newsletters and organizing a variety of academic and professional workshops. Outside of the department, Mindy volunteers for a local Hawaiian organization, raising funds for causes like the Lahaina fire and providing cultural workshops.

Academic achievements aside, Mindy is a dedicated and supportive lab member and friend. She always comes to lab with a positive attitude and an enthusiasm to help her colleagues in any way she can. We are so proud of you, Mindy!

To read more about Mindy, visit the George Mason University website.

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